above: mini puff pastry with poached pear and chocolate ganache
This quick version has saved time in the first step - instead of pounding a whole block of butter, cubed butter directly mixed into the dough. However, the basic skill and know-how on rolling, dough manipulation, gluten development, temperature control, etc, are still essentials, be it simplified or classic recipe. I learnt mine from reading quite a few books and practices.
Quick Puff Pastry Dough: * recipe from Dessert Circus by Jacques Torres*
7 Tbps (100g) unsalted butter, melted, cool to room temperature
4 cups (500g) plain flour
2 1/2 tsps salt
about 1 cup (220g) water
1 1/4 cups+ 1 1/2 Tbps (300g) unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes, frozen
- Pic 1 : Well-combine melted butter, flour, salt and water until a dough is formed. Add in frozen butter cubes, make sure they're evenly distributed. Pat dough into 8" x 10" x 1" (thick) rectangle, wrap it in plastic and rest in fridge at least 1 hour, max. 12 hours.
- Pic 2: Lightly flour the work table, roll dough to 10" x 23" rectangle, fold the short sides to the middle but don't overlap (it's called book fold). During rolling, don't add to much flour otherwise your pastry will be tough. Whenever you feel the dough sticky, chill in fridge and let it get harden again. And anytime the dough refuses to spread out, also, rest it in fridge for 15 minutes or so; the gluten in dough will be relax again.
- Pic 3: right after the book fold, fold one half over the other half. Rotate the dough so the seam is on your right. You have completed fold #1
- Repeat the folding process by rolling out the dough into a 10" x 23" rectangle again and Pic 2 and Pic 3. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest in fridge for at least an hour.
- Then give the dough two more whole folding processes. After that let the dough rest in fridge for at least an hour before use. At this point it can be store in the fridge for a day or freezer.

- Preheat oven 425 - 400F. Roll dough (take the amount you need) to 1/2 cm-thick, use a cookie-cutter to cut out small circle, lay them on a large baking sheet. Arrange thinly-sliced poached pear in the center but stay away from the rim so that the rim will puff up in hot oven, a "cup" is formed then. Bake the pastries in 425 - 400F oven for 10 minutes, then lowered to 350F and bake until they turn golden brown. Let them cool on a rack
- Pipe the chocolate ganache, arrange more poached pear on pastries right before you serve.
To poach the pears:
- Use the pears that able to hold the shape after poaching, like packhams, but not anjou. Peeled, seeded and quartered.
- In a small pot, add 2: 1 white wine + water, raw sugar to taste, 2 cinnamon sticks and 3 cloves; bring them to boil. Add pears and simmer over very low heat for 15 minutes. Until the whole things cool off chill them in fridge. Poached pear tastes even better on the next day.
Lady!! You MAKE the Puff pastry too!!WOW!!!
Looks great,all that butter scares me girl.My Choley is wayyy low fat than this,hah?:D
After all that pasta masking, now puff pastry too !!! Incredible !
Thanks a lot for posting this recipe, as I have a friend in India who do not get frozen puff pastries as we get here...and I have not been able to send some good recipes to her coz of this unavailability.Now with your recipe, she can make this at home. Thanks a lot. Hugs :)
Those look beautiful ... and I love pears!
Okay this is clearly for the "advanced crowd", I am still only in the "eat only"... Cute!
My dear pal, you are so good! The pastry dough is excellent. Very lovely! :) I don't think I can ever do something delicate like that.
Okay - that's it....I think you need to pack up and move into the new townhome directly behind me. It's nice here - you'll enjoy it....while I enjoy your desserts!
I need to buy puff pastry from you in future. Can I look out for the brand "Kitchen Unplugged" in the freezer next time? :P
I have to tell you this. Yesterday I was showing my hubby your blog and he was stunned, literally stunned by your creations :) He is a foodie and loves those food shows and knows much more about international food than me. But alas does not blog and I do not let him cook much either.
He was fascinated by that red & white pasta :)
Simply gorgeous! That's my kind of easy I'm lazy sunday type dough. Same principle as danish without the yeast, and still challenging to wrok if you don't have the ingredients at the right temp. You did a beautiful job with those pears!
I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E! You actually make the puff pastry?! :O I am bowing in respect.
Dessert looks, as always, too good to be true. They are works of art.
wow....even with your short cut method, the puff pastry looks awesome and flaky.
Oh boy! I know what I'll be dreaming about tonight--if I can sleep. :):) Well, I can always daydream about those little tarts! Sigh.
I love your little puff pastry tarts. I'm craving pear now.
Your pics are simply awesome!!
(I "come from" the blog of FrancescaV)
Gorgeous! And so well-explained. You make me believe that I too can make puff pastry from scratch :) I will save this "quick" puff pastry recipe just in case I feel brave :) But not right now because it's too hot here and the dough will not survive even two minutes in my kitchen!
Wow, that looks scrummy! A superb dessert.
I'll have to make my own puff pastry one day...
I just wanted to let you know that I am organizing a meme/event (closing date is June the 30th 2007):
I hope that you'll find the time to participate!
Please spread the word!!!
Kind Regards,
Beautiful little tarts! I haven't made puff pastry in ages, because it seemed like too much of a commitment of time. This quicker version makes me want to roll and fold and turn again!
You take such beautiful pics of food. I must ask what camera do you have?
the puff pastry topped with chocolate looks so yummy.
I am soooo impressed!
I made your PLT for a starter when I cooked for a friend's dinner party - it was a great success, and so easy (using frozen puff pastry). I'm making it for mon mari tonight using fresh - but NOT homemade by moi! LOL
Gattina, you're my hero - making puff pastry is so tiring! I've tried it once, many many years ago and the results weren't that good. Yours is perfect!
Asha, I will join you for jogging :)
Shn, just one more tip to your friend if she's a novice baker. Start doing pastries on a very very cool day, that will help her a lot :)
Tanna, me too! They're so fragrant and soft... yum!
Calli, oh c'mon, you ARE the advanced crowd. I remember you mentioned that you'd made cake with fondant or something!!! I even have problem in dealing with piping bag :D
Anh, of course you can! The key ingredient is only ... t.i.m.e. Hope you can dig out sometimes amongst your busy schedule. My friend, you are so talented, I know yours will turn out fab!
Chris, oh you are so sweet. Ok, deal! but warn you, I won't get enough of your lasange!
tigerfish, oh please, of course I will give you free... my friend :D
Thanks for your sweet words.
Sandeepa, oh it's such a honor have your and your husband's precious compliment! Thanks with big hug! My husband knows more food than me too, and he makes great pasta! Again, just like you, I don't let him cook, heehee!
Helene, I bet you've known me what I'm up to *sly grin* I've already done "that" *yooo-hooo*
Cythnia, you are so SWEET!!! *kiss* Thanks for your encouragement! It means a lot to me :) :)
Nabeela, thanks my friend. It is a good recipe indeed :)
Sher, oh thanks my buddy! I'm more a savory-pastry person, I'm actually more inspired to do curry pastry or tuna pastry instead. But that pears hanging around for too long, if there was a savory way to cook pear, probably I would *lol*
Brilynn, do you know what I'm thinking? Pear ice-cream... any chance? :D
michelina, grazie!!! love to have you dropping by!
Joey, smart thinking! Me too, just because this week is cool... usually I enjoy making pastries in the fall/winter more :D
Rosa, got it! Will take a look and start to think of my brunch! I just love meme!
Lydia, thanks for your compliment! Yes, I can imagine all pretty pastries made from you :D
Sharmi, my camera is Olympus sp-500uz. Thanks for your compliment :D
Katie, glad your pastries turned out great! Basically I can throw ANY thing on pastries I'm already happy!
Pat, my treasure your sweet words so much, my dearest friend! The cool weather in here helps me a great deal! I did it in summer before, plus my kitchen was a hot spot (except in winter, *auuuuugh*)... oh my gosh, things just difficult! Pat, you are a pro! I know if the weather is cooler in your area, yours must turn out wonderful!!! *big hug*
Oh my friend, is there anything that you make that is not impressive? :p
Love the combination of pears and chocolate together. Now I have to make one of those cute tartelettes.
first time here and i'm amazed! had heard ur name in the blog world, but somehow missed ur blog, i'm glad i finally made it here. what a visual treat !! will surely be back for more :o)
What a lovely and detailed presentation of puff pastry..I am so glad you posted it, I am definitely gonna try it..
very beautiful looking pastries
You are SO MY HERO!!! I don't think I will ever even attempt this - it just is too elegant for my clumsy hands!
These are beautiful. The puff pastry looks delicious. I've tried once making puff pastry and it ended up a mess. Hee...
I'm going to try this! Never made puff pastry before. I'm sure I'll need a lot of practice. :)
They look so cute and wonderful! Love your green plates too :)
Oooh, thanks for sharing this. I might need to use this soon!
WOW!!!! Puff pastry....excellent.. Nice..I love it. I don’t have word to explain..U are great..
the sad news first...I have just found out I am allergic to gluten :-( and the good news is I have the feeling you'll come up with a gluten free recipe just for me ??? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Are you practicing for something :)
Looks great...especially the filling.
Oh I have no patience like you Gattina.I always take the easier way and buy puff pastry;)
Gattina thanks a bunch for taking time to let me know about the butter chicken.i am happy that you guys loved it!Do make it when you have a party at home,people will love it.
okay, i am going to save enuf money to visit you one day. die die must try your bakes. always make me soooooo hungry.
gosh...I don't have the nerve to make pastry...you make it sound so doable...I am almost tempted to try it...~grin~...great idea...thanks for sharing
Hi I just found your blog and have to try your cumin paratha. I also love baking, and make pizza once a week. Your food photos are lovely. I am from Trinidad and thought you might like to try our coconut bread-this recipe is pretty authentic-
this is too good .I missed it , puff pastry ...mouth watering ...thks for sharing
This recipe is really going to keep me busy in the kitchen with all its glamor. This is another must for the weekend! My kids would just hug me for this.
im speechless gattina... ur an artist.
will try it. I like this recipe which does not need machine and flour is gaven by weight.
I live in sri lanka where frozen puff pastry is not available. Do you think that the heat will be a problem?
i will have to try this. it looks so doable!
How much of the butter is melted?
Hi Rich, I haven't done this recipe for a looong time. The amount has already stated at the recipe. Hope that helps.
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