Thursday, July 03, 2008

White Chocolate Crepes with Rosy Cherry Sauce

My dearest friends, it'd be a very short post as I am going to go to Hong Kong for a visit. I'll miss you all, and look forwards to "seeing" you when I return in the end of August.

These crepes are spreaded with white chocolate cream (store-bought), stacked up high, and cut to smaller pieces by a copper cookie cutter.

Remember I just made the cherry sauce in the previous post? This time I added in some red (organic) rose patals.

To create a frosty look on the patals, brush them with egg white before coating with fine sugar. They look impressive and taste even better.

My friends, hope you all have a great summer!


FH said...

Have a wonderful break, I will be off too next week!:)

Yummy pancakes. In India, we do use Rose petals in cooking, sugared ones and Rose petals in syrup for desserts. Looks beautiful! See you when you come back!:)

jpstivers said...

Have a great trip! We will miss your posts while you are out. These look great.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

What great pictures! A refined sweet treat! Delicious!

Have a great trip!



Ginny said...

Just gorgeous! Have a safe and wonderful trip! :)

Callipygia said...

Have a fabulous trip and thanks for the treat before leaving!

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Those are really terrific photos. Wonderful use for the cherry sauce!!
Have yourself a fabulous time in Hong Kong!!

Cynthia said...

Have a great time. Will miss you very much.

Love the perfect circles of your crepes.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Goodness. This looks so delicious! Have a wonderful time away and have a safe trip back home.

Paz (who always loves your photos)

Katie said...

They look so dainty and elegant.

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful time--and thank you for leaving us those beautiful pictures! :):)

Chris said...

Enjoy your trip!
These pics....stunning, as always! :)

Lore said...

Love the idea of coating rose petals in sugar.
Have a wonderful visit Gattina. Now I'll just have to figure out what am I going to do without your delicious and beautiful posts until almost September.

Anonymous said...

what cute dainty pancakes!
have a safe trip to HK, I'll miss you already! :)

ChichaJo said...

Have a wonderful summer in HK! :) Those crepes will keep me company until you are back :)

Anonymous said...

gattina that is a work of art. So very beautiful. Have fun on your trip.

Anonymous said...

You have a nice blog...keep up the good job:)

cakewardrobe said...

I'll miss the beautifulness for a couple of months! Have a wonderful trip!

Ivy said...

I hope you have a wonderful time in Hong Kong!
This picture are amazing!
What kind of camera do you have?

Anonymous said...

These crepes looks fantastic, I just wait to cook some.

Chef JP said...

First time visitor to your blog--- a wonderful experience!

Anonymous said...

Gattina you have a very prestigious award at my site. lol

Zurynee said...

Have a save trip and enjoy yourself!

Katie Zeller said...

Have a wonderful visit!

Anonymous said...

We'd like to invite you to participate in our July berry recipe contest. All competitors will be placed on our blogroll, and the winner will receive a fun prize! Please email me,, if you're interested. Feel free to check out our blog for more details.

Anonymous said...

We'd like to invite you to participate in our July berry recipe contest. All competitors will be placed on our blogroll, and the winner will receive a fun prize! Please email me,, if you're interested. Feel free to check out our blog for more details:

Betwixt said...

I just found this beautiful blog. I am sad to hear you won't be posting for a while, but that will give me time to catch up on your past writings. Have a wonderful and inspirational trip!

Anonymous said...

How gorgeous are those? Oh my! Looks fantastic!

Susan from Food Blogga said...

I wish you safe and exciting travels, Gattina!

Kajal@aapplemint said...

Ooh those little roses are so pretty. Hope you have a gr8 time in HK, wish i was there too, i havent been home for a long time. Dont forget to enjoy loads of Hui lau San , yum cha's and the fish balls from the street vendors :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful... simply beautiful... you have a very interesting site here... thanks for sharing...

LilyAnette said...

Very inspiring blog you have here. Nice creations.

Laura Paterson said...

Wow - this is just beautiful - great pics!

Hope you have a great trip!