Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bread with Sardine & Garlic Spread


I was reading the boxes of canned sardine. An old fellow came by, just like me, was looking for a good one. He probably lived alone, or had extra time to spend, so he started a long conversation about sardines ...

I suddenly remember my grandpa, who chose to live alone for many years. When I visited him, I also loved checking his cupboard to see any left-over food for me to pick :) :) They're usually a few anchovies or canned sardines. "Uh-ooooh..." people may give out a sympathetic sign once they hear the word "canned". But look at this way, it's reflecting his fuss-free life style. Canned sardine doesn't taste like the fresh one for sure, but it has its own taste and it can be absolutely delicious. Quite often I have a craving for that taste.

In this recipe, using canned sardine is certainly better!

We'll make some fresh sardines when we're ready for mingle next time, ok?!

To make Bread with Sardine & Garlic Spread, you will need:

  • Country bread, sliced, and slightly toasted
  • Slow-roasted garlic until the flesh is completely soft
  • Top quality canned sardine, drained well
  • optional: paprika/ red peppercorns/ spices

Remove the garlic skin, generously spread the flesh on a slice of bread. Then either you mash the sardine to paste, or use it as-is, put the fish on the top, sprinkle some spice to finish



  1. I love canned fish! It is very useful, healthy and cheap. One can make many different things with one can of fish. A delicious spread!



  2. I love those canned sardines too. Some of them have very few added ingredients.

  3. The Spanish are expert canners and their canned goods are some of the world's best -- especially things like sardines and tuna! And they are easy for me to bring in my luggage on a trip :) This looks fantastic!

  4. One of my favorite things was always to combine sardines and garlic on a piece of italian break with a little olive oil. This is why i'd love this recipe.
