Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lots, & lots of breads...


Front: Mediterrean rolls Left: Hongkong rolls


The dough requires longer time (and lower temperature) in fermentation actually giving me more flexibility.

One pair of hand. One oven. One morning. I have made lots and lots of bread for 45 people. I would like to share my experience in planning:
  • Days ahead I already did one dough (enough for half of the people), then freeze it. This bread should have high moisture (good for baking ahead and reheating), so I suggest focaccia or my "friday rolls".
  • The day before the "big" day, I defrozed the dough and baked the bread. After they completely cooled off, sealed them well and kept at fridge.
  • The night before the "big" morning, I did another dough but it was no-knead bread. I have to free myself more time for more important work instead of spending time on kneading. The dough was rest in fridge overnigh.
  • One the "big" day's morning, I baked the no-knead bread, reheated the rolls, (took photos :):) and packed.
  • One key, made all the bread into tiny rolls. For home oven, always bake one tray at a time, but the rolls are so small so take less than 10 minutes, therefore the next tray can go in quick.

I have made mediterrean rolls (with different flavors) and Hongkong green onion-n-ham rolls. You guess which the people like the best?



  1. Scrumptious looking! I cannot live without bread...



  2. I am into bread making lately too. Love to try yours soon.

  3. That is a lot of bread!! To bake so much bread for so many people....that is such a big feat. I admire your courage in trying that out. Not only did you make so many, the bread also looks beautiful still. Big quantity and good quality. :D Will you be sharing the recipe?

  4. I'm sure they love the Hong Kong bread :)

  5. Gattina, that's quite a feat! I have trouble planning meals for anything more than 10 people, the idea of baking for 45 of them makes me break out in a cold sweat! The tips are great, but will you feature the recipes too? :)

  6. so much breads and they look awesome. Really beautiful and great pictures! are those friday rolls from your recipe list?

  7. thanks for everyone sweet comment! You guys mean a lot to me!

    Mhel, you are correct :):)

    Hi Esther, Ellie and lena, the "friday rolls" and "no-knead" bread recipes can be found on the side bar. Happy baking!
