Sunday, January 09, 2011

Weekend Delight - Montserrat

This time instead of talking about food, I want to tell you my weekend-trip to a mountain chain near Barcelona - Montserrat. The name means serrated mountain in the local dialect. It took me 90 minutes (train) plus 15 minutes (tram) from Barcelona city to get to the mountain. Photobucket

The rocks are in striking pink color with increditable exquisite formation. People can ride another tram to reach the peaks.

serrated 2

In the central area, there are a basilica and monestery, a hotel, an apartment block, musemums, gift shops, a tiny bar and some cafeterias. For details you can click on the official web site.

(a corner of the basilica)

serrated 6

(heading to shops and apartments from the basilica)

serrated 3

(front of the musemum)

serrated 5

I stayed overnight at the hotel. A bit after 8 I still could catch the sunrise.

serrated 4