Friday, February 12, 2010

Potato topped with spicy sausage & garlic mayo


Flashing back to 7 years ago... I was staring at alleys of various types of potatoes at supermarket (in US), trying to remember which type Dave (my Irish friend) wanted me to pick... Russet, Yukon Gold, white skin, red skin ... That dinner Dave simply boiled some potatoes to go with beef and cabbage, but the flavor and the texture of the potatoes were so incredible that totally kicked this rice-n-pasta-worshiper (me) to another new world...

"Señora, el precio está aquí (Lady, the price is here)." A soft voice from a store keeper suddenly woke me up from the day dreaming. How long have I been staring at the potatoes? But wow, only 1 euro and 20 cents for a 3 kg-bag?!!! Was I in the real world or still in my dream? My blank face probably made the store lady worry, so she pointed to the sacks, then pointed to the price tag just to ensure me again :)

3kg (close to 7 pounds) are a lot to a small family, especially nowaday we don't need to eat potato every meal. I imagine,in the old days, the peasants must always have some left-over (god bless!) too since they grew this crop. So here come a wonderful dish to use up the left-over: heat up a paella (a deep fryin pan), slowly saute some garlic and country-style sausage for a few minutes until most oil released from the sausage, then slice up the boiled potatoes (from yesterday) and drop them in the pan. Once the potatoes are heated through, remove the pan from the heat source, crack an egg (or two, lucky you!) on the top. The egg yolk would be kind of semi cooked from the reminding heat, and this thick liquid acts as a delicious sauce!

Actually this dish is on a menu of a restaurant in my town, I have it every week!

Today I make the same thing, but in a different presentation. Boiled potato is cut into a big cube, use a thin knife to make a hole on top. Fill the hole in garlic mayo (mayo mixed with finely mince garlic and a dash of paprika), top with cooked spicy country-style sausage and fried garlic. Aprovechate (you enjoy)!



  1. I love the way you preseneted that dish! That combo is perfect!



  2. You make a simple dish into such exotic looking gourmet food. Pics are so gorgeous. YUM!

    Yeah, I love those Fingerling Potatoes, so cute.

  3. They look so pretty, well worth the effort.

  4. Stunning....they look like petit fours. Beautiful photos....

  5. Oh this is lovely! You should feature more of your local favourite food ;) I love to hear about it.

  6. what a lovely start for a meal, i really love these kind of starters it makes me go to the kitchen and start cooiking them, fabulous! cheers from london

  7. wow, what a great presentation. a gourmet appetizer. Happy Year of Tiger to you!

  8. I'm sitting here staring at my screen and smiling :)

  9. I could leave pasta and rice behind for these blocks of potato! YUM

  10. your pictures look so elegant and appetizing! i was stunned. among all the blogs i've read these years, your blog is the most beautiful one i've seen. you should be a food stylist!

  11. oh wow, beautiful presentation and love everything about it!

  12. Ahh everything's always so lovely when you make it! It definitely looks restaurant worthy!

  13. That's gorgeous! A perfect starter - cold, in summer.... I love it!
    When I was young we had boiled potatoes every day.... I hated them for years after that. Then we moved to Ireland... so many choices!
    Not so much here in France. But, the new potatoes should be coming soon!

  14. Gong Hei Fa Choi G.

    This dish looks beautifully done. My family are die hard fan of potatoes.
