Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Coconut & cinnamom cookies

Friends share... food, good time, or even shoes or bags :)

People in this city are simply gracious, sometimes, they share with everybody.

One time we flew from Switzerland to Barcelona. The flight was in the early morning and so short, just an hour; we were only served with a plain round bun ... err ... does your language use any creature to express boredom? Spanish uses oyster, Chinese uses bird... whatever it is, that bun surely puts everyone's taste buds to half-sleep. But what a nice thing happened: one Spanish guy shared a big block of chocolate with as many passengers as he (or it) could. We put it inside the bun, instantly, we got a chocolate roll, which actually is a popluar breakfast item in Barcelona.

Patricia at Technicolor Kitchen always shares wonderful recipes. Herself is an excellent baker, and her recipes are always good. Like this recipe of chocolate chip cookies, I have made it over 10 times. For the best recipes like this one, I'd never feel like to change anything. So I urge you to try it too :)

But I guess after 10 or 20 times, I'm confident enough to reform the recipe. My family and I love coconut, so based on Pat's recipe, these coconut cookies are born.

Recipe of Coconut and cinnamom cookies

the recipe is based on Chocolate Chips and Almond Cookies, published at Technicolor Kitchen by Patricia

(yield: est 45 cookies)

  • 11o g butter, soft
  • 70 g granuated sugar (white)
  • 2 tablespoons of light corn syrup
  • 1 very small egg
  • 195g flour
  • 40 g dessicated coconut, unsweetened
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/2 + 1/8 tsp of baking soda
  • for the outside coating: combining 1/3 cup unsweetened dessicated coconut + 1/8 cup Demerar sugar (I prefer it to regular brwon sugars as Demerar is more dry) + 1/4 cup granuated sugar + 3 tsps ground cinnamom


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 375F
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, coconut, salt and baking soda. Set aside.
  3. In another mixing bowl, beat the butter and sugar until very light and fluffy. Add egg and syrup, continue to beat for another minute.
  4. Combine the flour mixture with the butter mixture. The dough should be thick, soft, and sticky.
  5. The size of this cookie shouldn't be too big (more crispy). Spoon out a bit of dough and drop it onto a plate of coconut coating mixture, roll the dough until it is fully coated. Then place the dough on a baking tray, gentle press it down into 4.5cm (diameter) x 0.5cm (thick) round disk. Contiue to the rest of the dough.
  6. Bake the cookies until golden brown, about 15 minutes. After they are taken out from oven and all right to touch, remove them from the tray and place them on a rack to completely cool off.
  7. Store the cookies in a air-tight container, they can keep well up to a week.



  1. you have used my favorite spice and ingredient for cookies! looks great gattina!

  2. What pretty cookies! They look absolutely scrumptious. Nice combo!



  3. Yum... very yummy ! And so beautiful !



  4. Hey, beautiful!
    These cookies look irresistible - I love anything cinnamon and coconut is also a favorite of mine (we love it here in Brazil).
    Thank you for your kind words, Gattina, you are too sweet!


  5. Mmmm...!!! I can imagine the aroma in your kitchen. Love coconut and Cinnamon! :))

  6. first and final pics are stunning and i liked the flavour combo too :)

  7. looks great! I don't cook nearly enough with coconut and cinnamon!

  8. Wow the cookies looks so beautiful. And also delicious.

  9. Those look so lacy and delicious! I've never had cinnamon and coconut together but I love them both. I bet those smell fantastic.

  10. This looks amazing. Does "fine white sugar" mean confectioners' sugar or the finer granulated sugar? And would it work with ordinary granulated? Ålso, is "light syrup" corn syrup or the British type, which IIRC is more golden?

  11. Thanks Meeta, this duo is my favorite... in a dish or dessert or everything! :)

    Rosa, thanks for your compliement!

    Miette, thanks for your kind words :)

    Pat, you just never short of amasing recipes and fotos. Will "see" you around. xoxo

    Asha, I am (yes, now) making three recipes from yours (pulao, butter chicken, and rajgaro aloo)... everything smells so wonderful!

    Shn, your kind words always make my day, thanks with hug!

    Ginny, you are so sweet! Thank you!

    Happy Cook, thanks for the compliment :D

    Anna, I always use them (together or seperately) in many dessert, really fantastic!

    elbales, thank you so much to point out the problems! I have revised the recipe, please let me know if there's something else not clear.

    Sophie... :)))))) Thank you!

  12. I adore coconut. Lovely recipe and gorgeous photos.

  13. Love the photos and the cookies look divine! You have a very nice blog and I will be back many times I'm sure!

  14. What a great recipe, and beautiful cookies!

  15. awe-somesounding and looking cookies.


  16. Happy Women's day sweet heart, enjoy the Sun there! It's 81F today, crazy March!:))

  17. Hi there, so glad to find your blog, I am from Hong Kong too, now moved to Switzerland for 3 years. Great blog you have here! Your cookies are beautiful!

  18. Hi there, so glad to find your blog, I am from Hong Kong too, now moved to Switzerland for 3 years. Great blog you have here! Your cookies are beautiful!
    Sorry the previous account you see is not active. This is the correct one.

  19. She does have many yummy recipes :). This was a tasty recipe to replicate. Your photos and cookies came out so nice!

  20. Hi Gattina! first time to visit your blog, which is so cool, I love the pics and those cookie, yummy! yummy! Kiki

  21. Though I am not a cookie fan, I want to try this just for the coconut.
