Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Citrus fruit salad in spicy honey

A BIG bowl of citrus fruit is my best remedy to the early stage of the common cold.

Pills ever never work for me. I used to have a job that was so ridiculously demanding that I wasn't supposed to have time to be sick. So I took cocktailed medicines with extra-strength... how creative huh?! The syndrome seemed to subside for a day or two, then a full-blow followed...

Fresh oranges (not any orange juice) work very well on me, not talking about 1 or 2, but 5, 6 or more. Next day, say 'bye' to the cold.

Today I catch cold. Here is my choice: off-white Kleenex or colorful fruits - orange, mandarin orange, kiwi, exotic plum, lime and lemon - with star anise, clove, cinnamon and honey. But even not sick, this bowl of fruit is still a wonderful treat at any day!

Recipe of Citrus Fruit Salad in Spicy Honey

yield for one person in a deep need of vitamin C
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 star anise
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 cloves
  • juice from 1/2 big lemon or 1 lime
  • lemon zest from 1 fruit
  • spoonfuls of honey
  • for fruits: 1 big orange, 1 mandarin orange, 1 kiwi, 1 plum, few thin slices of lemon and lime

Bring the water to boil, simmer with star anise, cinnamon, cloves and lemon zest for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off, discard the spice, combine with lemon/lime juice and honey. Drizzle the spicy honey to the fruits. Enjoy, stay health!



  1. wish you a quick recover, dear gattina. and thanks for your beautiful entry. i could do with some of this right now.

  2. Yes, feel better fast! Your salad looks beautiful whether it's to feed a cold or not...and the photos are pretty :)

  3. Hope you feel better soon, this looks gorgeous so fresh and summery

  4. Hi Gattina: I'm sick and not able to eat anything. Just came back and the doctor thinks it's a virus. I think this salad is just what I need. Happy to see you at my blog! Feel better real soon.


  5. Fruit salad does it for me, too. I love the sight of that honey-glazed star anise -- makes me feel better just looking at it!

  6. Hope you have recovered fully. Now that fruit salad is pretty and healthy. Just what I need when I have a cold, too!

  7. New to your blog, and I love your photography so much! =) Hope u get well soon =)

  8. That salad looks amazing! Great photo! I like the sound of a fruit salad in spiced honey.

  9. bee, thank you! And I will send you my submission e-mail separately. You are a great host!

    Maryann, thanks for the compliement :)

    Rachel, the shivering weather really hangs out for too long, everyone needs the summer to come :)

    Paz, same to you too, stay well! I feel much better, probably not from salad but from your heart-warming visit!

    Lydia, thanks! True, just amased by the interesting texture of slice fruit I'd forget my sniffling.

    Anh, thank you, I feel much much better, your compliment is my remedy!

    noobcook, thanks for your visit, and the sweet words :D

    Kevin, thank you! Never go wrong with honey :D

  10. Gattina get well soooooon !!!
    It is raining here in Oslo, I have the day free, so I am going to take the apple mac to the kitchen table and attempt some of your recipes. I think you should start a summer school for learning to cook for daft people like me!! wish me luck with the cooking!!!

  11. Hope you'll feel better in no time!!! And oh wow citrus and honey with a twist! Love it. Star anise looks so imposing :)

  12. Get well soon!

    Wow, the second picture is stunning! Great job!

    That salad looks absolutely delicious and mindblowingly fresh!



  13. Star anise makes anything more beautiful, Gattina - and this fruit salad is no exception! Gorgeous!

  14. getting creative with medicines too Gattina ;) .
    Get well soon buddy.
    this is indeed a oohhh... -ahhh.. post :P .

  15. Hope the cold got better soon - I'm sure this delightfully tasty and healthy fruit salad would have helped the recovery along :)

  16. Your photos are so beautiful and rich!

  17. Hope you feel better now Gattina.. I can just plunge my face into the monitor and hope to have a scoop of that wonderfulll salad !!!

  18. I do hope you're all better; the salad looks just fabulous!
