Friday, May 11, 2007

Creamy rice dessert with strawberry

This dessert is so creamy although there is no cream in it. The rice, after cooked in milk, mixed with yogurt and had a velvety texture. Topped with seasonal fruit, it will be a perfect dessert after bbq. Recipe: (yield: 3 - 4 cups)
  • 1/2 cup rice (I used Italian rice carnaroli)
  • 2 cup milk (I use 1% fat)
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • a few dashes vanilla extract
  • some honey
  • 10 strawberries, mine were quite big
  • few drops lemon juices
  • a bit sugar


  • Put rice and milk in a pot and bring them to boil, then turn to very low heat and cook rice, uncover, for about 20 minutes. Stir constantly. Drain the rice but save the thicken milk, let the rice cool off. Combine rice with vanilla extract, honey (to taste) and yogurt. Add the saved milk if necessary to get your desired consistency. Spoon the rice mixture into cups, chill in fridge until you serve.
  • Half an hour before you serve, puree strawberries, add lemon juice and sugar to taste. Chill in freezer for 30 minutes, in between take it out to stir one or two times. Spoon chilled strawberry onto the rice mixture. Serve immediately.



  1. It is always a joy to come here but this one just sweeps me away. So lovely! Gad it just begs my spoon.;)

  2. That is a quick simple healthy dessert...Great for these hot summer in Los Angeles..

    An elegant presentation Gattina

  3. Such a simple yet so elegant dessert. Impressive as always!

  4. wow...wonderful little gem...I love the rich colour...looks so sexy I think...~sofy smile~...thanks for sharing

  5. Tanna, you are always so sweet :) :)

    Sushma, thank you! Here starts getting hot, I don't feel like using oven either.

    Angie, thanks pal! Your encouragement means so much to me *hug*

    Dilip, thanks for your comepliment. In the beginning I though strawberry after puree would be less red, but no :) :) as sexy as ever :D

  6. This is great! I haven't had rice pudding in years~ this would make it really special.

  7. Gattina, I tired of saying how beautifully you do the food styling..:D Hey, even after puree-ing strawberry has retained its colour, isn' t it ?


  8. That looks really very good indeed!
    I love home made rice pudding.
    You make such beautiful photographs too!!! My compliments

    (Although I don't think I've ever placed a comment I visit your blog with much joy regularly.)

  9. Oh, Gattina!

    I can't wait for fresh Ontario strawberries so I can try this one. It's beautiful!

  10. I adore rice pudding and now you've gone and combined it with strawberry puree - what am I to do!!

  11. These are so pretty. Is the rice relatively firm, like traditional custard rice pudding or thinner, like a gruel? The taste combination is stellar.

  12. I love making these with rice or tapioca..what I love about these is that the possibilites are endless. Yours are a sight of beauty! Impressive presentation, lucky guests!

  13. I love the bright colors - perfect for mothers day dessert!

  14. Looks like a delightful dessert that wouldn't suffer from the use of frozen fruit and help me remember summer in our cold winter months :)

  15. hey , this sounds like the perfect summer dessert ! looks fantastic, thanks for dropping by my blog or i would have never discovered yours :)

  16. What a colourful dessert. I'm not a big fan of rice dessert but I won't mind eating yours :D

  17. Love the new blog banner (goodness, has it been there forever and I just didn't notice?).

  18. This looks awesome. Ur pictures are so clear and elegant. It is very nice. I realy want to give it a try.

  19. My weakness - rice pudding. Now you've gone and added strawberry sauce, I have become weaker. Great presentation and recipe. Thank you!

  20. I am not usually a fan of rice in desserts. But this particular one is making me drool. Awesome photographs!

  21. Yum! What a great idea - adding the strawberry. Looks fantastic.

  22. Wishing you a very Happy Mothers day Gattina


  23. Oh Gattina - another absolutely GORGEOUS creation! The yogurt sounds like an interesting but lucious twist!

  24. simple one ....great..thks for sharing

  25. Gattina, this is so delicious! I love the idea of mixing yogurt and topping the whole wonderful cream with strawberries... Perfection!

  26. OGM that could be worked into the diet! squeeeeeeeeeeee!! I heart you, Gattina. =)


  27. Oh, beautiful! It's getting hot here and that would be perfect for eating outside. I love the way it looks layered in the dessert glass. Perfect, as always!!!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Sandi, hope you'll like it :D

    Shn, right :) if you look at the second pic, this red is exactly what the puree turns out... (The first pic I brightened it at Photoshop).

    Lien, same here :D everytime I visit your blog it's a joy for me!

    Ivonne, tell me more Ontario strawberries later if you have a chance :D I still look for real sweet strawberry!

    Freya, ah-yes, I love this dessert after a burger :D

    Elle, I preper the rice mixture part is slightly thicker, close to cusard. After topped it with fruit puree, I'd stir to mix both together, the consistency is just perfect to me :D

    Jaden, great idea :D Although my mom always prefer sweet red beans that sort of dessert.

    Ellie, pamper yourself with a nice & warm rice pudding then sweetie :D

    Helen, I love tapioca too! With coconut milk and mango puree... thanks for your compliment sweetie!

    Kate, I discovered your blog from seeing your comment left on my previous post :) :) Me too, what a great treasure finding your beautiful blog :D

    Anh, I know how you felt about that too! But after I tasted Shaghai sticky-rice dessert (back translation: eight-treaure rice) and Italian rice pudding, certain grains really make a happy marriage with sugar. Oh I bet we love Thai black sticky rice :D

    Lydia, thanks for your sweet words. Don't worry, it hasn't been up for too long :D

    Sukanya, thanks sweetie! And have fun in cooking :D

    Cythnia, you're welcome :D And thanks for your compliment!

    Jenjen, thanks sweetie :D

    Chris, I'd prefer rock melon though, but it still doesn't look too good at stores.

    Sushma, thanks sweetie! Did you have a great celebration last Sunday then?

    Gilly, thank you :D In any non-cake dessert item, I'm usually light on sugar, so here how I came out this version :D

    Deepa, thank you :D

    Pat, I think we just can't go wrong with yogurt and fruit :D

    Lis, *smooch smooch*

    Sher, I still hugging two comforters to sleep .... nice and cool, although this type of weather won't last for too long.

  30. Oh those colors are fabulous!

  31. So simple, healthy, and delicious. Who wouldn't love this?

  32. Mm I love the combination of strawberry puree with the creamy rice. Looks so delicious!
