Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mixed Herbs & Parmigiano Shortbread

When I first spotted Saffron's Biscottini al Parmigiano, I knew it's my kind of cookies! I've already made them for two times, but this time I added more than one herb, plus cured ham. These shortbread-alike cookies are meant to be rich (aka fatty), that's why they're delicious! So you either take it or leave it, but please don't cut down the butter. Taste them in moderation, with a glass of Martini as Saffron suggested, truly satisfying! The following recipe is my improvised version. Ingredients (yield 30 cookies): Adapted from Biscottini al Parmigiano from Saffron and Pepper

  • 6 Tbps salted butter
  • 2 Tbps vegetable shortening
  • 3/4 + 1/8 cup plain/ all purposed flour
  • 1/8 cup finely ground semolina
  • 1/4 cup grated parmigiano reggiano
  • 1 egg
  • 1/8 cup slightly packed mixed herbs, e.g. chives, parsley, sage, rosemary, finely chopped
  • 1/8 cup finely diced prosciutto
  • Pepper (I like adding alot)


  1. Melt the butter and shortening, set aside to let cool
  2. In a big mixing bowl, combine flour, semolina, parmigiano, prosciutto and pepper. Add in the liquid fat and egg and mix well, use hand if necessary.
  3. Shape the dough to be a log, its diameter 4.5 cm, wrap well, chill in fridge for half day or it hardens.
  4. Pre-heat the oven to 350F. Slice the log, I get about 30 cookies, each with 1/2 cm thickness. Bake until they firm up and just about to turn brown at the edge, 10 - 15 minutes.



  1. Gattina,

    These are my kind of cookies, too! ;)
    I love parmesan so much!

    I'll get to use my basil and my rosemary which are growing more and more everyday.

    Your cookies look lovely - like everything you cook!

  2. I just love these savory cookies!

    They would be a perfect appetizer with olives and pickled salads.

    Thanks for another ingenious idea, Gattina!

  3. Those are so pretty! I've never made a savory cookie, but I think I'm tempted to now.

  4. First Angie, and now you have made beautiful savoury cookies. Wonder when will I join the craze huh? Love your cookies (especially with cheese and lots of pepper!) - Yum!

  5. Marvellous colors and I'm sure that it is very good .

  6. Darling!
    Thses biscuits are marvellous! Great job!!!

  7. Yummy! The word Savory is music to my ears these days.Been making sweets since Xmas,little tired of it.I agree,eat one or two but don't skip the good old butter!:))

  8. Girl, I LOVED that blue and all that herb in the shrotbread tempts me to go for one !! But one doubt, prosciutto in a cookie?

  9. Savory cookies sound great, it'll go perfectly with a cup of coffee...

  10. In the south cookie are sweet~ with a glass of milk for dunking.

    But, these look awesome! I may have to break tradition!

  11. These look so pretty! I love parmesan biscuits!

  12. Pat, I just had the feeling you also love parmesan too when I was making this biscuits/cookies :D. You have green thrumb! I always want to have rosemary but have failed twice. Oh I also remember you've mentioned your basil growing a lot (in a pot?), mine is just lifeless, hope it's still able to hang in there, two more months until the winter ends *sign*

    Susan, you're right, with greeen olive! Thanks sweetie!

    Kristen, do you usually count peanut butter cookies as savory (actually I love it more than chocolate chips cookies). For the flavor of this one, think about pie crust :D they're increditably easy to make!

    Anh, I love pepper myself! My grandma used to make a kind of country soup, with *lots* of cracked pepper, oh mine, my mouth's already watering!

    Hi lili63, thanks for dropping by :D

    Sher, now come to think of it, I don't see you make desert very often (but once you make it, it is just a darn good one!!!). Have a great time this weekend :D

    Simona, your recipe is fantastic! Grazie!!!

    Asha, I'm with you sweetie :D

    mishmash, thanks!!! Blue is my favorite color (I bought my first pair of blue shoes at 13 *lol*). This cookies are basically salty/savory even before adding the meat. To describe the taste, think about ham and cheese quiche :D

    Mandira, thanks for your compliement! Right, coffee is great! Or some tea too :D

    Sandie, you guys make great cookies! Dangerous for me, once start can't stop :D :D

    Freya, thank you! True, even just with parmigiano itself, it already tastes terrific!!!

  13. Oh my, these shortbread sound fantastic - I love the idea of them being so savoury!

  14. Wow you have just created the perfect reason to try a martini! They sound so sophisticated together.

  15. wow loved the savory cookies.


  16. Lovely recipe.Looks awesome.Thanks for sharing

  17. The colors in these are beyond gorgeous, great job!

    Ari (Baking and Books)

  18. Savory is my game! These are really beauties.
    Your photo is gorgeous!!

  19. These look so great, Gattina! My mom recently gave me a recipe for savory cheddar cheese crackers. Your recipe encourages me to try them out with the addition of herbs.

  20. I think something like this would be a very satisfying midnight snack.

  21. Sounds like my kind of cookies, Gattina! Superb photos. I love the freshness of the herbs coming through the cookies. Another yum.


  22. Just amazing. They sound wonderful and your photos are fabulous. Yum.

  23. These look great! My mum makes a really nice savoury shortbread with blue cheese and chillies. I actually prefer the savoury ones to the sweet ones!

  24. Ooooh, I love savory biscuits! These looks so good!
    And easy enough for an 'occasional' baker....

  25. Yummm, these look delicious, I will try making them sometime! Savory cookies are good, aren't they! I am always glad when I find reviews of them!

  26. This has got to be my favorite! So glad I dropped by.

  27. Every recipe that says something like "please don't cut down the butter" is a must try for me... And they look like little pieces of art!

  28. I'm making this tonight. I think I'll try to shoot it, but I don't think it will be as pretty as your picture!
