Friday, January 19, 2007

Coconut & cardamom candy (Burfi)

Cardamom is used as a spice commonly found in Indian and Scandinavian cuisines. To describe its taste is difficult, it is just one of a kind! But I'd think of floral, warmth, and an eucalyptus-alike aftertaste. Our sweetheart Asha is sharing the joy of Sankranti (celebration of the beginning of Harvest season in her home country) with her burfi - milk and coconut-based confectionery. Please don't feel discouraged to try it simply because it's such an unfamiliar foreign name, to me it reminisces those coconut chocolate candies from See's. This burfi includes just enough of carrot to tint the morsels with a beautiful rosy color. I always think Indians very good at using colors... look at their gorgeous silk pashminas, purses embossed with tiny mirrors, sari, pashminas... oh did I just say pashminas again?! Asha put her burfi in a bigger tray, then cut into smaller pieces later. If you have extra time, you may like to place the mixture into individual molds in the beginning, which I will describe in detail in the following. This recipe is adopted from Asha's coconut-carrot burfi, courtesy of Asha from Foodie's Hope


(yield 6 x 5cm cups and 8 x tiny hearts)

  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup coconut, if you plan to mold them, use desiccated type. Asha advised, if your coconut already sweetened, cut down the sugar as specified
  • 1/2 cup grated carrot
  • 1/4 white sugar + 1/4 demarara sugar
  • 1 - 2 pinches of ground cardamom
  • 1 tbp ghee
  • some almond flakes (and very fine ground almond for the molds)


  • In a small pot, bring the milk, coconut and carrot to boil, simmer until half liquid gone. Add sugars and simmer until all liquid evaporated. Add ghee and cardamom, well combine, turn off the heat
  • To make the mini-cup: you'll need a mini-tart tray. Well grease the molds, sprinkle little bit of ground almond. Press in the coconut mixture, and add more almond flakes on top. Keep them in refrigerator for an hour or two, unmold.
  • To make the heart: you'll need a mini cookie cutter, just fill up with coconut mixture, unmold. Drizzle with melt chocolate and decorate with sugar pearls.



  1. Wow, Gattina, i am so impressed by this dressed up Barfi, exceptionally creative. I will use a mold next time. I was down with a bad cold, feels so nice to come back and see all your yummy treats.

  2. Once again, a lovely treat from our dear Gattina. Every weekend, I look forward to your WHB post :), and never fail to be impressed. Is that your DD holding the candy?

  3. What precious hands holding that yummy treat. That is a wonderful photo!

  4. Cardamom isn't something I usually cook with, but every now and then I just throw it in to see if I'll be able to notice a taste difference... I think I need to make something with a strictly cardamom taste.

  5. Gattina,you are a genius!!Look at your Burfis girl!!
    Man,I am impressed!!Beautiful heart shape,perfect for Valentine's day.I have heart shaped mould but never thought of using to make Burfis.
    Very creative,Thank you so much for all the good things you said about India.We do LOVE colors!:D
    Have a great weekend sweetheart!:)

  6. The lil Burfi are just adorable and they sound quite yummy! I love the idea of coconut and carrot (even if the carrot is used more for color) Yum! :D

  7. I love cardamom as the Swede I am and this sounds so good!

  8. Wow, Gattina those are awesome burfis.

    Gattina, cardamoms are graded and priced based on their quality. The high quality/superior pods cost more.

  9. Gattina, what wonderful treats these are. I love the addition of carrot and a perfect treat for whenever you are craving something sweet. Your creativity has no limit. Wonderful!

  10. These candies are simply gorgeous and I bet they taste divine!

    Ari (Baking and Books)

  11. Gattina, I have seen this recipe before but did feel intimidated by it! These look beautiful and I agree with you on the color. About the cardamom pods, I don't think it is so expensive either. But the pods are bulkier and more time consuming if you are extracting the seeds.

  12. You are a magician :-) never knew burfi could look this gorgeous !

  13. Dear Gattina,
    This is such a beautiful confection! The burfis almost lookt too cute to eat - I said ALMOST, because with carrots and coconut I wouldn't resist much. ;D

    The photo with the hands holding the candy is wonderful - whose lovely hands are those?

  14. Bella, I feel so torn when I read your blog. Sometimes I wish I could be your neighbor because I'd get to (hopefully) share in the amazing bounty from your kitchen...

    and other times, like now, I'm quite glad that I'm not nearby, otherwise you'd probably have to call for help to have me forcibly removed from squishing my face to your kitchen window, begging for some of these treats!

  15. So very much be ready for Valentine's day.

  16. What a great idea for Valentines Day! Those tiny hearts are so cute! Another artistic entry!


  17. Those are awesome Gattina! Absolutely first rate. I've only just started trying cardamon in a few dishes and find I really enjoy it.
    Well done on the candy!!

  18. So beautiful, Gattina! I love the 2nd picture, so cute!

  19. They look so cuteeeeeeee! Can I have one?

  20. You know I keep buying cardamom and then I never use so I end up having to throw it out because it loses its potency. Gattina, you've inspired me to use that cardamom!

    Of course your creations are adorable and beautiful as always!

  21. u have a way of presenting desserts!I just sit and wonder how u set the photo!The extra cost in McCormick's powder is because of the labour involved in removing the seeds from the green pods and powdering. I use the greeen pods though!

  22. What a creative and beautiful candy you've created. I haven't heard of this type of Indian sweet before, but it sounds fantastic. I didn't like cardomom for a long time, but now I do. Your pictures are really beautiful.

  23. i love any kind of burfi! yours look so pretty. wish i could sink my teeth into them . . .

  24. These are beautiful! Cardamom is one of my favorite spices too.

  25. I'm from India and I 've never seen a burfi in that shape!!Brilliant!! Good Photography !!

    When u get time, drop by my space to have a taste of my mishmash :)


  26. Did you say See's coconut candy...well now I've got to make this. Cardamom is my favorite spice, try it in your morning coffee, and I'm a See's fan from way back. Beautiful work Gattina, I love it.

  27. Your photos are absolutely amazing. I love the colors and the set up / design. Very nice!

  28. Gattina - this looks so delicious with beautiful photos. I've also tagged you for a Meme, hope you'll play.

  29. Wow Gattina !
    You are killing me ! i dont like much sweets, but yours is looking so nice that i really wish to have it :) . very creative indeed. i love this heart shape and decoration of it , and also the nice orange color of burfi. really nice presentation . loved it.
    thanks for sharing

  30. My dearest friends, thanks for all your kind words! Sorry I couldn't reply to each of you promptly... I was busy in making many batches of soups which will be delivered to my relative tonight. But what a great joy to see you buddies around in these stressful days of mine!

  31. Coconut and Cardamom Candy Looks mouth-watering and beautiful at the same time. One has to think twice before eating them, they are so perfectly dressed :). Can you please tell me where did you find those silver balls???

  32. I like very much this recipe. Thanks for it.
