Saturday, June 24, 2006

Basic tomato sauce with herbs

I use imported pomodori pelati Italiani (Italian peeled tomatoes) to make this sauce for my pizza, pasta and meat dish. The choice of tomato is the key as its flavor determines the taste of your sauce; if your tomato isn't flavorful, even after cooking you still can't make it taste any better. Another good thing about Italian plump tomatoes is, they're naturally sweeter, so your sauce most probably doesn't need any sugar. Recipe of basic tomato sauce

Ingredients (yield 2 - 3 cups)

  • 1 can net weight 108oz/ 3kg Italian plum tomato, e.g. San Marzano
  • 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1/2 carrot, chopped
  • 6 sweet basil leaves
  • 1 sprig of oregano
  • 1 clove garlic, minced


  1. Seeded the tomatoes and then puree
  2. In a big pot, heat some oil, brown the chopped garlic and onion, add the blended tomato, carrot, basil and oregano. Simmer for 25 minutes with the lid set slightly ajar. Taste and season. Discard the onion, carrot and the herbs.
  3. In a saucepan, heat 2 tablespoon oil, fry the minced over very low heat. Once you smell the fragrance, pour the garlic oil into the sauce. Simmer for another 5 minutes.

The basic tomato sauce freezes well.


  1. My compliments for the oregano. I didn't know it can grow this way. And I didn't know as well the Italian tomatoes were naturally sweet. Lots of tips for an aromatic sauce. Thank you for posting it.

  2. Lovely photos as always!Does this sauce have a long shelf life?

  3. Hi gattina
    Tomato sauce recipe is interesting.
    Hope you threw tomatoes seeds in your yard.there's a chance to find tomato plants growing in your yard as well.

  4. Thank you for sharing a special recipe and information about Italian plump tomatoes. You always show that fine food photography doesn't require much props. Good !!!

  5. your pictures are all so nice. very very pro. I love your tips on the herb plants. Will try it some day when I got a garden. hehehe

  6. Lovely photos and recipe. Thanks for sharing

  7. Yummy. One of my favorite things to make from tomatoes. I agree, there is a big difference in the flavor of different varieties.

  8. Hi Virginie, you may have other wonderful tomatos in your country that is great for sauce, since I'm living in the States, so can only compare with the local tomatos.

    Hi sumitha shibu, for me if I know the sauce isn't going to finish in a day or two, I freeze them. It freezes well for a month... not sure a longer period as I use it up very quick.

    Hi connie, oh no need to say sorry... will see you here or KC :)

    ramya, it's a good idea, may try when I have more time. Thank you!

    Archanat, I wish I had an ability to take a staged photo (table setting with some props)... maybe some days (or months or years...) when I have extra money. Again, thanks for your encoragement!

    Edith, thanks for your kind words. I wish I had a great cake making skill like you too!

    Krithika, you're welcome :D

    Kalyn, I;m waiting to see you harvesting your beautiful tomatos!

  9. i'm going hungry..
